The terms and conditions of this money-back-guarantee apply to individual customers only.
If you are not satisfied with your purchase, send us an email and specify the reason for your dissatisfaction. We will provide refunds within five business days in the following cases:
1. You used our materials in accordance with our practice instructions and took the real test. You found a discrepancy between our practice materials and the real test materials.
Case 1: If there was a large discrepancy between our tests and the real test, you will receive a full (100%) refund. Examples can include a different test theme (verbal instead of numerical), extreme differences in difficulty levels, or a different format and style (offline vs. online, test vs. gasification). Examples can include a different test theme (verbal instead of numerical), extreme differences in difficulty levels, or a different format and style (offline vs. online, test vs. gasification).
Case 2: If there was a partial match between our materials and the real test, you will receive a partial refund (between 30–80%), depending on the case. We reserve the right to decide on the amount after learning the details of each individual case.
2. A technical failure on our side prevented you from accessing your account.
3. The product was not used at all.
Please bear in mind that the tests that we provide are practice tests, they are not the same as the real test you will sit. Our questions are designed to mirror the questions that you will sit, they are not, and however, real test questions from your employment tests. We seek to simulate the actual exam as closely as possible without infringing on copyright laws.
We are a reputable business and will work with each customer to ensure a fair experience. As a company that sells intangible products, we are exposed to high levels of abuse. We are looking for a reasonable way to maintain our business so that both sides win.